Keeping families together when it is safe and in the best interest of the child

Tyre Hill House can accommodate up to eight families at any one time. The apartments are a mix of single and double occupancy, allowing families to be assessed together as well as a single parent. We have a single-occupancy apartment on the ground floor to accommodate a parent with mobility restrictions or to support the transition into a community setting.

Information for professionals


We undertake high-quality, evidenced-based parenting assessments, where we collate and analyse information from various sources, without judgment such as direct observations, group work, direct work and feedback on interventions. Our framework is founded on the main areas of the ‘Assessment Framework for Children in Need’.

  • The child’s developmental needs;

  • Parental Capacity – the parent(s) ability, commitment and motivation to respond appropriately in meeting these;

  • The wider family and environmental factors.

Safeguarding, Support & Monitoring:

We provide a Child-Centred Approach in which the safety, health and well-being of every child comes first. This remains the primary focus of our work with parents. Throughout the process the assessment team (Case Manager and allocated Family Assessment Worker) incorporate a range of interventions (direct individual work, group work and daily observations) alongside accessing external services as deemed appropriate to meet the needs of the family.

The assessment aims to be tailored to the individual with interventions reflecting the needs of family. Integral to our approach is Trauma Informed Practice, where our staff receive professional training and support from our in-house psychologist, equipping our staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to work alongside families who have often experienced trauma.

The safety, health and wellbeing of every child is our focus, and whilst we are committed to working with parents in a kind and sensitive manner, the identification and management of risk is integral to all we do.

We support families to access local services such as health visitors, children centres and where relevant drug and alcohol services to be part of the intervention package for the family.

We recognise that parents have a right to privacy, however in order to ensure the upmost safety of a child, our apartments are equipped with CCTV cameras.
